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How to Intentionally Date for Love + Marriage: High Value Dating for Ambitious Women | Up & About Podcast

how to intentionally date for love + marriage: high value dating for ambitious women

We’re getting real about self-love, intentional dating, long-term relationships, marriage, and what it means to be a feminine high-value woman. As a woman who’s been with the man of my dreams since my early 20s, I’ve learned that attracting your ideal partner starts with being your own ideal.

We’ll explore setting dating goals that align with your life vision, understanding the importance of a biological clock, and the role of core values in choosing a partner. Tune in as we discuss how to fill your cup first, how to receive princess treatment, setting high self-esteem, and maintaining standards that meet your worth.

Let’s talk about creating a love that lasts, being open-minded, and ensuring that the relationships we choose are in service to our dreams and ambitions.

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About the Up & About Podcast: Your weekly dose of insight into mindset, wellness, and self-love, crafted especially for you, the driven woman in her 20s. Let’s journey together through the landscapes of personal growth and embrace the vibrant dance of self-discovery, every single week.


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