
Confidence 101 | Up & About Podcast

confidence 101: embracing self-acceptance & addressing limiting beliefs | Up & About Podcast

Welcome to the first episode of the Up & About podcast! This podcast is a love letter to my community.

Join me on an invigorating journey of personal growth, wealth accumulation, holistic well-being, and navigating the intricate realms of relationships and love. Episodes come out every week.

In our first episode, we explore our transformative journies unlocking the keys to genuine confidence through the practice of self-acceptance. Explore self-awareness, overcoming limiting beliefs, and embracing imperfections. Discover the impact of self-care, setting boundaries, and cultivating a positive mindset. Nurture self-compassion and embrace personal growth.

Together, let’s embark on a beautiful journey of self-acceptance, empowering ourselves to flourish with unwavering confidence. Get ready to embrace your true potential!

Listen to the Up & About podcast:

Follow our community on Instagram: http://instagram.com/upaboutpodcast

I’m so ecstatic to build this community together!


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