
Leveraging Beauty for Success + Socioeconomic Mobility | Up & About Podcast

leveraging beauty for success + socioeconomic mobility

Let’s discuss the undeniable advantages of leveraging your beauty, as a woman, to build the life of your dreams. beauty is a tool for more opportunities, higher earning potential, faster socioeconomic mobility, and higher quality relationships.

We discuss the rise of the lifestyle, beauty, and wellness influencer industries, industries dominated by beautiful women, as well as the halo effect, and how beauty impacts your confidence and self-concept.

Media mentioned:

  • the economics of thinness: https://www.economist.com/christmas-specials/2022/12/20/the-economics-of-thinness
  • beauty pays by daniel hamermesh

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About the Up & About Podcast: Join me on an invigorating journey of personal growth, wealth accumulation, holistic well-being, and navigating the intricate realms of relationships and love. Episodes come out every week.


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